Monday, June 23, 2008


Day one of camp totally kicked my ass. I'll update in much detail when I can keep my eyes open for longer than 5 minutes at a time.

I will say this, however: 11 hours on a rainy day with 7-year-olds who only want to swim and don't understand that lightening means they can't is enough to change your mind about coming back the next day. Good thing I'm a seasoned veteran.

I have to work at 6:30 (again) tomorrow morning, but this time at the YMCA. This means I have to leave my house at 6:05 a.m. which I am really not looking forward to.

My plan for the rest of the evening is to shower, eat some ice cream cake, and fall asleep listening to Radiohead. Maybe I'll make my lunch for tomorrow, too. (But probably not.)

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