Friday, October 9, 2009


The seasons this year have come and go so quickly that it's been difficult to get a grasp on them. I've never really noticed the change in seasons as much as I have this year, and the cold came way too quickly. I remember the day that I looked at the 10-day forecast, and for the first time in months, there wasn't a day with a high above 70. There are a few aspects of the season that make it bearable, and they're almost worth it; the smells, the colors, bundling up in bed and cozy coats when I go out, hats and gloves and scarves and hot cocoa and fires in the fire place... and this year, I get to see Levi experience his first fall season! He got a leaf stuck on his ear and spent the next 5 minutes sniffing the leaves on the ground around him. It makes me want to rake up all the leaves in the backyard into a big pile just to see how cute the first time he plays in it. I guess I'll have a lot to be thankful for in Oregon this Thanksgiving.

But that's for next month. This month's dilemma: halloween costume! Naked Rose is the best one but I'm around too many kids to rock that one. I also need to get a really great coat this year, and I definitely want a North Face jacket. I just want to be warm all the time.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

New Heights

School has started again, and everything is exactly the same as it always is. I've been laughing a lot more than I have in a long time and just thoroughly enjoying life. I feel good about where I am and, while I'm obviously terrified, I'm excited about where I'm going, wherever that is. I think I'd be okay doing just this for a while, and since I have (at least) two years of school left, it looks like I will be.

I got a raise at work and now I drive the school-van. It's just a gray minivan with a School Bus sign and blinking red lights and yellow license plates, but it's so badass. This ride is already pimped.

I have homework to do. I forgot about how much school actually sucks.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Frankie say

My best friend left for Scotland on Thursday and I have been so lonely without her. Candy bars were 2/$1 at CVS, and I bought two... for myself. I'm going to get so fat if these things keep happening.

I have also lost my voice every week I've worked at camp this summer. It's Sunday night and I don't have it back yet, so this week is going to suck. I guess now is a good time to learn sign language. Or I'll carry around a mini chalkboard.

I have a decent amount of money in my banking account and I think I'm actually going to afford books this semester. I'm having a lot of fun this summer, and I really don't want school to start. I'm very relaxed.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

I rise, you fall.

Yesterday was kickass. Went to see Transformers 2 with Sara and it was uh-may-zing. Seriously, the tits. Then we made mac n cheese and drank a bottle of Yellow Tail sparkling white wine. Today was great, too. Walked around the block with the biff and pups, shopped for CAMP.

Oh yeah, camp version 7.0 starts tomorrow. HOLY COW. 7 years.

I'm not readyyyyy. Now I have to do laundry, grocery shop, clean muh room, get lunch ready for tomorrow.... oh geeze. Good thing I got this new kickass Spider-Man backpack to put all my stuff in. Oh helllll yeah.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

The Hangover

"That's the real world for you: Mr. Dauterive getting kicked in the groin."

Monday, May 4, 2009

Acoustic Medley

I wish I could keep up with anything I start doing. I've been so busy and exhausted over the past month that I don't even know where to begin. Taming of the Shrew just closed on Saturday night, and it was the most fun I've had since I can remember. I met so many great people and made so many amazing friends that I am so grateful for. I even changed my major because it was such an inspiring experience. Unfortunately, it's now over and I have to get back to reality, which means this huge pile of homework that's all due within the next three days. At least I know that once this is over, I only have a few finals and then I'm done with school for the semester.

The weather has been beautiful lately (with some exceptions) and I'm really enjoying playing outside with the pups and driving with my windows down.

Oh yeah, we got a puppy! His name is Levi, he's a papillon, 3 months old and ADORABLE. He is the cutest, most lovable puppy and he's everything my mom and I hoped for when we decided on a puppy. He's brown, or "sable", so when he gets bigger people will be able to distinguish between him and Adam, or "Jackson", as my mom is trying to change his name. Levi has certainly brought a new life and new energy into the house, and I couldn't be happier, even though he poops in my room every time I take a shower. He poops EVERYWHERE, probably because he eats EVERYTHING. I have so many cuts on my hands from his sharp puppy teeth. He eats sticks and bugs and charred wood left over from the fire and chews on rugs and fingers and flip flops and socks and pants...

I can't wait for the end of school and my birthday and summer and Camp Lowe and my trip to California in July and sun sun sunnnnnnn. Things are great and I'm happy and very content with everything.

Thursday, February 26, 2009


Two days after that last post my dog Eli got hit by a car and died right outside my house. It was one of the saddest thing I've ever dealt with. I cried every day for a week. I still get teary when I talk about it sometimes, but for the most part things are getting better. My mom and I are going to look at a puppy on Sunday so Adam will have someone to keep him company. Hopefully it will bring some life back to him because he hasn't been eating much lately. He hasn't been playing much lately, either. He always looks so sad and lonely. I dream about Eli sometimes. I sure do miss him.

School is the same, for the most part. I haven't been able to drag myself out of bed this past week, but I think I'm okay with it considering things start in full swing next week. Well, kinda. Spring break is the week after, but who's counting?

Also, I'm officially back on the market now, so if Justin Timberlake is reading this, look me up.

I'm generally happy these days. Things are going well personally. I have the best best friend there is, I have a cute pup (singular), I have a car and a job that I love more than any person should, and I just feel good. I hope it gets warm soon, though, because then summer will be here soon and I just love the summer. :)

Thursday, January 29, 2009


I wish that I didn't have to do schoolwork anymore. It's not that it's particularly difficult; I would just rather do nothing than do most anything. My classes are all enjoyable (for the most part), and I don't so much mind going to them, but homework just really cramps my style.

Lost is back on. I really don't have much to say about that except that it's awesome, but that goes without saying.

I've been failing the social part of life lately, which is nothing new. I don't talk to anybody, save my best friend. I don't have anything new or exciting to say. It's all just the same old shit. School, work, laziness, etc. I should work on fixing it, but the laziness is overwhelming...

I'm eating a turkey and salami sandwich at 8 in the morning. I don't see a problem with it.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

This is the New Year.

So many things have changed since the last post. So many things. Except I'd still love an XBox 360.

Here's to 200-mine, and all the things to come.