Thursday, June 12, 2008

10,000 mg.

This sunburn on the back of my legs is up there with the worst things that have ever happened to me. It covers the entirety of both of my legs and it sucks to walk and to sit. I really don't know how I'm going to sit on a plane for 5.5 hours tomorrow. I just don't. I can't imagine it getting any worse than this, though.

The past few nights Danielle, Natale, Ray and I have been watching the X-Men movies. Tonight we're on to X3, and then we're going to the midnight premier of The Incredible Hulk. This week is totally marvel-ous.

Danielle's upstairs neighbors have been being very loud for a few hours. I'm pretty sure it's in anticipation of the Celtics-Lakers game tonight. We went to Ribs U.S.A. the other night and I have never felt more American/afraid to be a Boston fan in my life. Naturally, we kept our Boston allegiance quiet so that we could finish our dinner and not be thrown out onto the street. It wasn't all bad; we got to throw peanut shells onto the floor (and we did).

Tomorrow is Friday the 13th and I'm taking a red eye home. Wish me luck.

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