Thursday, September 4, 2008


Yep, you read that right. I'm a student again. And it's about fucking time. Fitchburg is actually a really nice school, and a lot easier to get around than I anticipated it would be. The construction is really inconvenient, though. Makes driving around a bitch.

Yesterday was my first day, and I'm already really tired. So far I've had 5 out of my 6 classes. I switched my online Global Issues to a Monday night class because Glenn told me to so that we could have a class together. It didn't take much convincing, though, because for a subject like "global issues", I really can't get much out of it by sitting in my room with no one to bounce ideas off of.
[post script - I don't have any classes on Friday. Rock.]

Work has been going well, too. On Monday, I'm getting two new kids in my classroom that are, well, kind of a handful, but I'm optimistic. I have four kindergartens and they're all just precious. Working for Glenn is bomb, too (duh).

Other than that, life is just... normal. Or as normal as it can get these days. My dad is in Oregon, so that sucks. Jesse moved back in, and even though it's temporary, I like having another person in the house; two people don't fill it up enough. I still hang out with Sara every night (duh), and we do our thing. I don't know what I'm going to do if she leaves me for a boy. I'd be so lonely.

That's all I've got left to say. If you want to know more you'll just have to talk to me.

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