Monday, May 4, 2009

Acoustic Medley

I wish I could keep up with anything I start doing. I've been so busy and exhausted over the past month that I don't even know where to begin. Taming of the Shrew just closed on Saturday night, and it was the most fun I've had since I can remember. I met so many great people and made so many amazing friends that I am so grateful for. I even changed my major because it was such an inspiring experience. Unfortunately, it's now over and I have to get back to reality, which means this huge pile of homework that's all due within the next three days. At least I know that once this is over, I only have a few finals and then I'm done with school for the semester.

The weather has been beautiful lately (with some exceptions) and I'm really enjoying playing outside with the pups and driving with my windows down.

Oh yeah, we got a puppy! His name is Levi, he's a papillon, 3 months old and ADORABLE. He is the cutest, most lovable puppy and he's everything my mom and I hoped for when we decided on a puppy. He's brown, or "sable", so when he gets bigger people will be able to distinguish between him and Adam, or "Jackson", as my mom is trying to change his name. Levi has certainly brought a new life and new energy into the house, and I couldn't be happier, even though he poops in my room every time I take a shower. He poops EVERYWHERE, probably because he eats EVERYTHING. I have so many cuts on my hands from his sharp puppy teeth. He eats sticks and bugs and charred wood left over from the fire and chews on rugs and fingers and flip flops and socks and pants...

I can't wait for the end of school and my birthday and summer and Camp Lowe and my trip to California in July and sun sun sunnnnnnn. Things are great and I'm happy and very content with everything.

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